Friday, January 31, 2020

Sample Paper for Propositional Arguments Essay Example for Free

Sample Paper for Propositional Arguments Essay In this paper, I will analyze the following argument in terms of validity and soundness: An argument is a syllogism only if it is valid. An argument has a true conclusion, if it is valid. If an argument has consistent premises, then it has a true conclusion. Thus, if an argument is a syllogism, then it has a true conclusion. As we shall soon learn, this argument is valid but unsound. I begin my analysis by providing a dictionary and putting the argument in standard logical form. Here is my dictionary. Let ‘S’ stand for ‘an argument is a syllogism’ Let ‘V’ stand for ‘an argument is valid’ Let ‘C’ stand for ‘an argument has a true conclusion’ Let ‘P’ stand for the premises are consistent’ Here is the argument in standard logical form. S→V P→C V→C S→C This argument is valid. My proof for validity can be found in my appendix at the end of the paper. [And no, I am not going to provide an appendix for a sample paper]. Now that we know that the argument is valid, let us examine each statement in the argument. The first premise is S→V. This states that if an argument is a syllogism, then it is valid. This is false. An argument could be a syllogism yet be invalid. A syllogism is an argument that has two premises and a conclusion; but such an argument can be valid or invalid. Some poodles are dogs Some elephants are not dogs No elephants are poodles This argument is a syllogism yet it still has an invalid form. [No, you don’t have to prove the form is invalid; but you better be correct] The second premise is P→C. This states that if the premises are consistent, then the argument has a true conclusion. This premise is false. If the premises are consistent, then there is an interpretation where they are all true. But we know nothing about the conclusion. P1 P2 P3 C : : : : T T T F ; ; ; ; In this truth table, we see that our premise are consistent. There is an interpretation where all three are true. But in this interpretation, the conclusion is false. So, the argument is actually invalid. ( This is a relatively abstract truth table. You could also use a concrete example such as this: AvB A . B This argument has consistent premises but it is invalid. You will want to present both the argument and a truth table. Don’t make the reader guess what are the premises and conclusion from the table itself. Present the argument) The third premise is V→C. This states that if an argument is valid, then it has a true conclusion. This is false. A valid argument can have a false conclusion. All dogs are cats Some mice are dogs Some mice are cats As we can see from this example, a valid argument can have a false conclusion but only it if also has false premises. Finally, let us examine the conclusion: S→C. This states that if an argument is a syllogism, then it has a true conclusion. This also is false. A syllogism can have either a true or false conclusion. Here is an example of a syllogism with a false conclusion. Some mice are cats Some mammals are mice No mammals are cats A sound argument has both a valid form and true premises. While our argument had the valid form, it also had false premises. Thus, our argument is valid but unsound.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Themes of Love and Revenge in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- Shakespear

Themes of Love and Revenge in Shakespeare's Hamlet Love is one of the most powerful themes in Hamlet, but a superior force - REVENGE, drives Hamlet's love. Revenge of his father's murder. Hamlet is confused and melancholic over the fact that his mother married his own uncle and so quickly after his father's death. Even though he does not immediately suspect foul play in his father's untimely death, he is in a state of shock. As Kenneth Muir states, "He (Hamlet) is profoundly shocked by Gertrude's marriage to his uncle in less than two months after her first husband's death, although he has no conscious suspicion that his father has been murdered or that his mother had committed adultery." The ghost scene seems to fuel Hamlet's revenges of his father's murder, but also, as we will discuss later this scene confuses Hamlet. Hamlet's revenge of his father's murder is successful, but very costly. Hamlet pays the ultimate price of his mother's, his sweetheart Ophelia's, his friend's and his own life to accomplish this revenge. Hamlet's revenge for his father's murder begins just after the ghost scene, were Hamlet meets his fathers ghost and is told of the murder. Hamlet's father tell him to revenge his murder "Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder" (I, v, 25). Hamlet's response is to swear "that I, with wings as swift As meditation or the thoughts of love, May sweep to my revenge."(I, v, 29-31). Hamlet is now determined, even inspired to a rapid revenge. Hamlet is confused with his fathers death and is suspicious of foul play, but even after the ghost scene Hamlets seems to be vacillating between actuality (Was his father murder by his uncle?) and manic depression. Hamlet even goes as far as considering suicide. "... his final revenge. "Hamlet's revenge has led him to wanton and meaningless slaughter. He may have ultimately won the battle within himself, but he dies with the blood of eight men on his hands, five of them innocent victims, helpless bystanders who were pointlessly struck down because they came between two mighty opposites. Hamlet's revenge has led to the destruction of two entire families and to the abandonment of the State to a foreign adventurer." BIBLIOGRAPHY Hoy, C. HAMLET William Shakespeare, New York, 1963 Prosser, E. HAMLET & REVENGE, Stanford, 1971 Wilson, J. What happens in HAMLET, New York, 1964 Muir, K. SHAKESPREARE Hamlet, London, 1983 Cantor, P. Landmarks of World Literature SHAKESPEARE Hamlet, New York, 1989 Farnham, W. HAMLET PRINCE OF DENMARK, New York, 1985 Mercer, P. HAMLET and the Acting of Revenge, London, 1987

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Food processing Essay

Junk food is a derisive slang term for food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, salt, and calorie. Junk foods typically contain high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. Foods commonly considered junk foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and sugary carbonated beverages. Many foods such as hamburgers, pizza, and tacos can be considered either healthy or junk food depending on their ingredients and preparation methods with the more highly processed items usually falling under the junk food category. What is and is not junk food can also depend on the person’s class and social status, with wealthier people tending to have a broader definition while lower-income consumers may see fewer foods as junk food, especially certain ethnic foods. Junk food comprises of anything that is quick, tasty, convenient and fashionable. It seems to have engulfed every age; every race and the newest entrants are children. Wafers, colas, pizzas and burgers are suddenly the most important thing. The commonest scenario is a child who returns from school and plunks himself in front of the television, faithfully accompanied by a bowl of wafers and a can of cola. Children suddenly seem to have stepped into a world of fast foods and vending machines, totally unaware of the havoc they are creating for themselves. Most of the times these junk foods contain colors that are laced with colors, those are often inedible, carcinogenic and harmful to the body. These foods can affect digestive systems, the effects of it emerging after many years. Studies have found that food can cause hypo activity and lapses of concentration in children. Not surprisingly, junk food not only has physiological repercussions, but also psychological ones – far reaching ones that affect the child’s intellect and personalities. Coping intelligently with their dietary needs increases their self-esteem, and encourages further discovery. School days are full of educational challenges that require long attention spans and stamina. Poor nutritional habits can undermine these pre-requisites of learning, as well as sap the strength that children need for making friends, interacting with family, participating in sports and games or simply feeling god about themselves. Junk foods are often eaten in instead of regular food. An essential Indian diet that consists of wholesome chapattis and vegetables or snacks like upmas and idlis. Not surprisingly eating junk food leads to a sense of starvation both physically and mentally, as the feeling of satiation The survey points out that these convenience foods are preferred (86%) mainly by nuclear families where both husband and wife are working or by bachelors who wish to avoid hotel food or people who do not have time, patience or the expertise to prepare in a traditional method and contentment that comes after a wholesome meal is absent. Junk food does have some of the good things that the body needs for good health. And the body needs some salt, fat and sugar for energy to burn while we work and play. However too much fat, sugar and salt is bad for our health and eating lots of junk food will overload your body with these things. It is probably OK to eat junk food sometimes! But people should look for foods that are low in fats and salt and sugar. HISTORY OF JUNK FOOD It all began with a push toward greater convenience in an increasingly mechanized world. Electricity and then electronics brought with them an endless stream of new gadgets for the home, each promising to make life easier in some way. Many of these time- and labor-saving devices were destined for the kitchen. Factories, too, were retooled to streamline the manufacture of everything, including food. JUNK Foods actually predates from the Industrial Revolution to the end of the 19th century with the discovery of comfort food like Burgers, tacos, doughnuts, potato chips, aerated drinks and many more. Colonization is the reason for the development and discovery of different food cultures, techniques of preparations and preservation. However, canned soups, fruits and vegetables, gelatin dessert mixes, ketchup and other prepared condiments, pancake mixes, ready-to-eat breakfast cereals; sweetened condensed milk started a new trend. After the First World War, in 1917 these and more found their way into the kitchens of eager young housewives, with manufacturers often promoting their innovative products via free recipe books. There’s no denying that flavor, texture and nutrients suffered, but people began to rely on these conveniences, and their tastes simply changed to accommodate. It was, after all, an era of scientific progress. By 1937, as another world war threatened, the timing was perfect for the arrival of a processed, canned meat product called Spam. Currently celebrating its 75th anniversary, Spam was all but guaranteed to make a name for it when the U. S. government included it in war rations to be shipped overseas to Allied troops. It was economical, had a long shelf life, needed no refrigeration, and was ready to eat straight from the can. The processed meat product won a place in pantries back home as well, and for all the same reasons. During wartime, women joined the workforce in unprecedented numbers to fill in for all the men-turned-soldiers. This left less time to cook, and many of the newly employed were ready for quick, cheap, modern and convenient time-savers at the end of the day. After the war, women (whether or not they were still employed outside the home) were encouraged to embrace the frozen, dehydrated, canned and boxed foods that promised to save time in the progressive modern era and allow more time for new leisure options—for example, watching television. Fast food franchises like McDonalds were opened in 1940 were also gaining high popularity which promoted to the junk food culture. Richard McDonald, 1945 In India it came by the colonized countries and had a great impact on the cuisine in India. For e. g. Vada Pav, an Indian Fast food is an Indian and Portuguese influenced dish. The Vada is Indian but the Pav is a Portuguese preparation. In 20th century, convenience foods continued to gain in popularity and â€Å"fast food†Ã¢â‚¬â€the ultimate convenience food— joined the revolution. Fast-food chains reached from coast to coast and then around the world, from Boston to Bahrain. The mass of consumers had by now largely lost the connection between food and nutrition, and few thought much about ingesting foods to keep themselves healthy. What are the health effects of fast food? With today’s lives more on the go than ever, finding time for home cooked meals can be challenging. Before you throw in the towel and stop by the drive through, it’s important to understand and consider the health effects that fast food has on children. Right now, there is already an obesity crisis facing Indian children. More kids than ever are leading sedentary lifestyles, eating less nutritious meals and are at risk (or experiencing) significant health problems like Type 2 diabetes, heart issues and other related health concerns that are dramatically more serious in children than they are in adults. A Pediatrics study found that children who indulge often in fast food are less likely to consume as much fiber, milk and produce (all essential to a growing body) than children who didn’t eat fast food. An International Journal of Respiratory Medicine has even more troubling findings. In the study, researchers surveyed 500,000 kids from 31 countries in two age groups: ages 6 to 7 and ages 13 to 14. What they discovered was that children who ate fast food three or more times a week had greater instances in more chronic illnesses than previously thought – specifically, more asthma, eczema, and rhinitis. This was the case whether the child at hand was obese or not. While many people understand the obvious connection to weight-related conditions of high calorie, high sodium fast foods, many are unaware of the effects on respiratory health. Despite best efforts, sometimes it’s simply the only option to grab something fast, so what’s a parent to do? Be smarter about what’s being ordered. Opt for side salads, apples, baked potatoes (go easy on toppings) and other produce and healthier side options that are beginning to regularly appear on the menus of most fast food restaurants. Be mindful of sauces – skip signature sauces as these are often loaded with mayo and saturated fats and stick to mustard and light use of ketchup or BBQ sauce. Ask for menu items without cheese. While these can all help a fast food experience be more healthful, the food from these restaurants will never be health foods. Instituting the practice of prepping in advance or cooking healthy home meals so there are leftovers are great ways to skip the drive-thru and help your child lead a healthy life. Children who eat junk food three times a week have more severe asthma and eczema †¢Teenagers who ate three or more helpings of junk food had a 39 per cent increased risk of severe asthma †¢Children eating mainly fast food also a higher risk of severe eczema and severe rhinitis †¢Asthma rates have doubled in last 20 years as diets have become more centered on junk food Eating junk food could worsen asthma and eczema in children, researchers have warned. Those who ate more than three portions of fast food a week had more severe symptoms such as wheezing, runny nose and eyes, and itchy skin. Findings from an international study involving more than 100 countries, including the India, suggest fast food diets in the western world may be contributing to a rise in the conditions. Experts believe the epidemic of asthma in developed countries could be linked to a move away from natural, fresh foods to fast foods – as has happened here since the 1970s. Asthma rates in the India have doubled in the last 20 years at the same time as there has been a steady decline in key vitamins and minerals in children’s diets, while consumption of fats in oils and processed foods has soared. More than five million Indians suffer asthma, including 1. 4 million children, and the disease causes 70,000 hospital admissions and 14,000 deaths each year. In the latest study, researchers examined data concerning 319,000 13 and 14 year olds from 51 countries and 181,000 six and seven year olds from 31 different countries. The teenagers and parents of the six and seven year olds were questioned on symptoms of asthma, rhino conjunctivitis – affecting the nose and eyes – and eczema in the preceding 12 months. They were also asked about their diet and consumption of certain types of food already linked to protective or damaging effects on health, and frequency was measured as never, occasionally, once or twice a week and three or more times a week. Teenagers eating three or more helpings of burgers, chips and pizza each week had a 39 per cent increased risk of severe asthma, while children had a 27 per cent increased risk. Those eating mainly fast food also a higher risk of severe eczema and severe rhinitis, with symptoms of runny or blocked nose and itchy and watery eyes. Writing in the medical journal Thorax, the researchers said if the link was proved to be causal, ‘then the findings have major public health significance owing to the rising consumption of fast foods globally’. But it is not clear whether the extra risk is caused by junk foods or a relative lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet which are known to reduce the chances of breathing problems. The study also found that eating fruit could have a protective effect on children and adolescents. Consuming three or more portions a week was linked to a reduction in symptom severity of between 11 per cent among teens and 14 per cent in children. The researchers said ‘Our results suggest that fast food consumption may be contributing to the increasing prevalence of asthma, rhino conjunctivitis and eczema in adolescents and children. ‘ Previous research has shown that youngsters eating a Mediterranean diet high in fruit and vegetables have a lower risk of asthma. A team at St George’s Hospital Medical School, London, found good lung function was linked to high intakes of vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, citrus fruits, apples and fruit juice. It is thought that high intake of salt and fatty acids such as those found in margarines could also induce asthma. Malayka Rahman, research analysis and communications officer at Asthma UK, said ‘This research adds to previous studies that suggest a person’s diet can contribute to their risk of developing asthma, and indicates the benefit of further research to determine the effects that particular food groups can have on the chances of developing asthma or the impact it may have on severity. ‘Evidence suggests that the vitamins and antioxidants found in fresh fruit and vegetables have a beneficial effect on asthma. ‘Therefore, Asthma UK advises people with asthma to eat a healthy, balanced diet including five portions of fruit or vegetables every day, fish more than twice a week, and pulses more than once a week. ‘ Top 10 Dangerous Diseases Caused by Junk Food Obesity – Updated Article with Extra Information on Obesity Diseases Junk food obesity is prevalent in the U. S. and it is extremely strenuous for the entire body, which was never intended to carry that much extra weight. Your heart will also end up working harder than it should, which eventually leads to obesity heart disease. There are also various other obesity diseases, the result of which can be fatal. IObesity Disease #1: Heart Disease. This is one of the deadliest and most common fast food obesity diseases. People with obesity usually have lower levels of good HDL cholesterol and higher levels of bad LDL cholesterol. This increases the risks of obesity heart disease tremendously. Obesity disease #2: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. This is the main cause of female infertility, and obese women have a much higher chance of developing this disorder. This obesity disease also results in excessive hair growth and irregular menstrual cycles. Obesity Disease #3: Diabetes (Type 2). This is one of the fastest growing obesity diseases. What happens here is that your pancreas is unable to supply sufficient amounts of insulin to convert sugars into energy. This means that the unconverted sugar floats around the blood, which is very harmful. Obesity Disease #4: Dyslipidemia. This is a major fast food obesity related disease, which results because of abnormally high trygliceride and LDL cholesterol levels. Dyslipidemia eventually leads to obesity heart disease. Obesity Disease #5: Sleep Apnea. This disorder means that you might actually stop breathing while sleeping, which causes you to wake up suddenly several times during the night. You may not even be aware of this disruption of sleep, but it prevents you from receiving proper sleep and results in daytime fatigue. Obesity Disease #6: Blount’s Disease. This disorder occurs when an excessive amount of weight gets placed on growing bones, making it more prevalent in children. This is especially the case with the lower part of the body. Obesity Disease #7: Arthritis. This is a condition that is a result of strain on the joints for extended periods. Excessive body weight certainly causes such strain and makes arthritis develop in younger people. Obesity Disease #8: Respiratory Problems. Obesity makes your lungs work harder, so that they get the necessary oxygen where it is needed in a timely manner. Asthma is also more common in those who are obese. Obesity Disease #9: Stroke. When the arteries, which carry blood to the brain, get blocked, the end result is a stroke. Such blockages happen in obese people much more often, because they usually have high cholesterol and blood pressure, which contributes to blockages. Obesity Disease #10: Liver Damage. It is difficult for the body to deal with fast food obesity, because these foods usually do not get distributed appropriately. When this is the case, fat can build up around the liver, which may result in its inflammation, scarring, and even permanent damage. HOW MUCH IS EATEN TODAY BY INDIANS? There has been a major shift in food habits in the metropolitan cities, about 86% of households prefer to have instant food due to steep rise in dual income level and standard of living, convenience, and influence of western countries, according to a survey undertaken by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham). The survey on â€Å"Ready to Eat Food in Metropolitan Cities† is based on responses from 3,000 representative households with children or without children, nuclear family and bachelors mainly because many consumers in metros lead time-pressured lifestyles and have less time available for formal meals, as a result of which demand remains high for products which can be eaten on the go. In a survey, Assocham claims that Indian food processing market will show fast paced growth in the next five years. It is also estimated that this food processing industry will show the annual growth of 40-60% in next five years. This all will be encouraged by changed trade rules and increased demand among the people. The survey points out that these convenience foods are preferred (86%) mainly by nuclear families where both husband and wife are working or by bachelors who wish to avoid hotel food or people who do not have time, patience or the expertise to prepare in a traditional method. According to the survey, metropolitans are the largest consumers of processed food and are going to be the biggest consumers of processed food because of their ever increasing per capita income and lifestyle which is also changing very rapidly, disclosed DS Rawat, secretary general, Assocham. Major metropolitan cities in which respondents were interviewed by ASDF include Mumbai, Cochin, Chennai, Hyderabad, Indore, Patna, Pune, Delhi, Chandigarh and Dehradun and it was observed that there has been a surprising rise in the demand of packaged food in the Indian market, all this is because the lifestyle of people has changed drastically and also the factor that consumer’s opinion regarding their eating habits has changed in a significant manner. The majority of the working class also mentioned that it’s a boon to save time, energy and money by using these foods. Various foods helped to prevent the age-old traditional method of long preparation of grinding, cooking or fermenting for hours and hence making the work faster. Even the manufacturers prepared the instant foods according to the taste of the consumers. Rawat said that the consumer spending rate on processed food had increased at an average rate of 7. 6% annually during the years 2008 to 2010 and this was expected to continue as the consumer expense would rise with an average of around 8. 6% till the year 2012. The survey highlighted that 85% of parents with children under five year are serving these easy-to-prepare meals at least 7-10 times per month due to increased pressures at work, and increasing complexity in other household management areas, they are actively looking for ways to simplify and save time, says majority of parents. About 92% of the nuclear family feel that they have less free time than before they had kids, it is now a common fact that they are spending less time in the kitchen, and are turning to takeout, delivered food, and semi-prepared meals to help feed the family at mealtime. About 72% of bachelors prefer the convenience food because of less cost, time and energy saving, convenience in preparation and consumption in the busy and hectic life. The very term ‘instant† means simple, fast, convenient and affordable food which is easy and fast to prepare besides being hygienic, free from microbial contamination and also convenient to eat, say the bachelors. Over 65% of working women revealed that the present trend changed the habits to foods which are simple and easy to digest. Hence, the existence of these foods fulfilled all the needs of modern human being. The food habitats in India have changed due to the western influence and the usage of these foods is also on the rise. These foods are widely used in catering industries as well as at homes. There are varieties of instant/ready-to-eat foods available in the market to choose from and they have been a part of everyday life, disclosed the ASSOCHAM survey. Food manufacturers have also started concentrating on manufacturing new innovative food products and ready to eat processed food so that it can keep up with the speed of ever changing taste of the consumers. This has also increased the demand of better quality food packaging, food processing and this increase in demand has increased the number of manufacturing units in India. The demand of processed food products such as juice based drinking concentrates, bottled water, organic food, herbal tea, fortified drinks and low fat dairy products have increased very much in last five years. Canned foods, fast foods, frozen foods, instant products, dried foods, preserved foods, etc. all come under instant foods or ready-to-eat foods which has encouraged the introduction of a big range of ready to eat snacks, breakfast food, protein supplementary foods and many more, points the survey. Even though after being economical and convenient, 34% of the consumers prefer the traditional types of foods which are fresh and natural without any preservatives or artificial ingredients. About 42% of the respondent said that another advantage of instant foods that occupy less space in the kitchen or pantry, the amount of drudgery involved is less and there is a tremendous potential for commercial exploitation as it is a â€Å"rising industry. † 1) The majority of people prefer to purchase canned foods classified as: ? Canned fruits (86%) ? canned vegetables (76%) ? Other canned products (85%) 2) Instant products: These are again classified as: ? Instant mixes (65%) ? instant powders (56%) 3) Table relishes: e. g. Mayonnaise, ketchups, sauces, jams, jellies, marmalades (88%) 4) Dairy products: milk powders, dairy products like curd, cheese, cream, dairy desserts, (89%) 5) Frozen foods: These are of three types: ? Chilled foods (dairy products, eggs, meat) (920%) ? Frozen foods (highly perishable foods) (95%) ? Freeze dried foods (Coffee, meals for explorers) (85%) 6) Baked products: Biscuits, cookies cakes, breads and various other bakery items. (75%) 7) Snack foods: They are classified as: (65%) ? Jaggery based ? Cereal based ? Fried items 8) Beverages: These are divided into – (88%) ? Alcoholic drinks (wine, beer) ? Non-alcoholic which include soft drinks and health drinks (fruit based and non-fruit based) 9) Pasta foods: Vermicelli, noodles, macaroni, etc. , (82%) 10) Weaning foods: Farex, Cerelac, Lactogen (86%) 11) Health conscious foods: depending upon age, health, and gender. (75%) 12) Breakfast cereal foods: These are fruit based and non-fruit based (42%) 13) Defatted groundnuts, tailored foods/fabricated foods, dehydrated fruits and vegetables (72%) BUT WHY DO WE EAT SO MUCH IF IT IS NOT GOOD FOR HEALTH? A study by Paul Johnson and Paul Kenny at the Scripps Research Institute in 2008 suggested that junk food consumption alters brain activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine or heroin. After many weeks with unlimited access to junk food, the pleasure centers of rat brains became desensitized, requiring more food for pleasure. After the junk food was taken away and replaced with a healthy diet, the rats starved for two weeks instead of eating nutritious fare. A 2007 British Journal of Nutrition study found that female those eat junk food during pregnancy increased the likelihood of unhealthy eating habits in their offspring. Researchers from the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom exposed 60 children, ages 9 to 11, to both food advertisements and toy advertisements, followed by a cartoon and free food. The children ate more after the food advertisements than after the commercials for toys, the study found. The obese children in the study increased their consumption of food the most after watching the food ads, compared to overweight children and normal-weight children. Of course, junk food is also readily available at restaurant chains across the country in the form of French fries, chicken nuggets, shakes, soda, etc. Not only are most fast foods not terribly healthy, one study indicates that there may be something about fast food that actually encourages gorging. In another study, from the Children’s Hospital in Boston, teens age 13-17 were given three types of fast-food meals (all including chicken nuggets, French fries, and cola). In one meal, the teens were served a lot of food at once. In another, a lot of food was served at the same time, but in smaller portions. And in the third test meal, a lot of food was served, but in smaller portions over 15-minute intervals. The researchers found that it didn’t seem to matter how much food was served — the teens still took in about half of their daily calorie needs in that one meal. The researchers suggested that certain factors inherent to fast food might promote overeating: 1. They are a pleasure to our taste buds. They release stimulating chemicals such as Gamma Amino butric acid (GABA) or Dopamine. Or in case of synthetic chocolates, large amount endorphins are released 2. Junk food is way tastier than healthy food. Hence, it is high in palatability 3. Addiction plays a very important role when it comes to choosing junk food over healthy food. 4. Another reason for junk food craving is the mood. It has been noticed that when you are overtly stressed you crave for sweet junk food like cakes, pastries, brownies or chocolates and it also provides a high amount of satisfaction as it provides a high number of calories in a small volume Junk food vs. Healthy food It an age old war between healthy food and junk food. When it comes to choosing between health foods and junk foods, junk food has always won the race! Whether we admit it or not, although we may start off our day with eating an apple, we’ll end it with two to three slices of extra cheese pizza and coke. But why do we love junk food so much when we know that it is unhealthy for us? There are many reasons to which most of you will agree. Junk Food vs. Health Food Everyone loves greasy foods, but is they good for you? No! All the fried foods, hamburgers, hot dogs and doughnuts we eat taste so good but are not healthy. Where is the nutrition? By frying or over-cooking your food, you cook all of the nutrients out. Think of a Big Mac, with all the fat and calories going through your bloodstream. Not a good thought. All of the fats, calories, and grease from the food will clog up your arteries and can cause other health problems too. There are many reasons why you should eat healthier foods before work and school. Some of the most important reasons are that you can concentrate better throughout the day, you’re less hungry, and your study time is more productive. High-fiber foods release energy slowly, while high-sugar foods only give you a short burst of energy. Psychology Today also reports that good proteins, such as lean meats and nuts, can improve your brain function. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, raw or steamed vegetables, nuts, and foods made with whole wheat all help with keeping your body and brain healthy. Healthy foods help with concentration for school and work. Eating healthy also helps with energy levels and positive thinking. We all want to be able to focus on our day and get as much done as possible. By eating un-healthy foods and having lots of sugar you are more apt to feel sluggish, non-motivated, and feel poorly about yourself. By eating healthier, you are able to focus longer on things and have a sense of accomplishment by having energy through the day. As we all know, many of the food commercials aimed at children are for foods high in fat, sugar, and/or salt, and low in nutritional value. And some research suggests that watching ads for processed foods encourages children to eat more. Food marketers have become increasingly successful in targeting children directly through ads; for example, by using popular cartoon characters to endorse their products. Some people say that government measures are required to control obesity by restricting the food industry and its advertising practices. Hence the benefits of Balanced or healthy food: 1. Healthy foods like fruits and vegetables or whole wheat chapattis and bread are high in fiber content. Fibers release energy slowly, this food keeps our stomach full for a longer time and we feel less hungry through the day. High fiber foods also keep your gastro-intestinal tract healthy thus controlling your cholesterol and blood sugar level. 2. The proteins that you derive from lean meat and nuts improve your brain functions. Have veggies either steamed or stir-fried. They hold all the nutrients intact unlike fried foods which drain out the essential nutrients. 3. Healthy food is not processed, hence they are low on calories and do not lose out on essential nutritional values. Having multi-grain breads, sprouts, low fat diary items (like skimmed milk, home-made paneer or curd) and fruits will give you a good amount of nutrition. 4. Since these foods are low in calories and Trans fat, therefore, it will help to control your weight. If you are overweight or obese, consult a doctor or nutritionist at the earliest and follow a high fiber low calorie diet strictly. 5. A daily diet of health and nutritional food will also give you a good heart preventing all sorts of heart diseases. It will also control your cholesterol, blood sugar level and blood pressure. You see healthy food not only supplies you with proteins, minerals and essential nutrients but also has many added benefits. No disadvantages at all, only with the exception that it won’t be able to meet your temptations. Statistics have shown that now-a-days children are fond of junk food more than adults. How many of them eat fruits with that much interest as a plate of pizza? Children are a lot fussier about food but introducing them to healthy diet from the time they start eating can be a good start. Highly fatty junk foods will block their arteries and blood vessels leading to some serious diseases. Children learn a lot from adults. Therefore, it’s advisable that you hold back your temptations whenever you pass by any fast food joints. Control your temptations people, only then can you lead a happy life and give your child a healthy one. ARTICLES and LITERATURE VIEWS (Adapted from news www. Naturalnews. com) 1) Fish oil fats protect brain against damage caused by a junk food diet Friday, May 31, 2013 by: Dr. John Phillip Medical nutrition scientists have written volumes that show how the nutrients from the foods we eat daily alter our genetic structure as well as the metabolism of every one of the trillions of cells in our body. Neurons in the brain are particularly susceptible to an accurately-delivered array of nutrients and critical omega-3 fats to help maintain memory, spatial learning and cognitive function. A number of past studies clearly demonstrate that eating one high-fat junk food meal from the typical fast food restaurant measurably changes the expression of genes that help control the development and spread of cancer, and the retention of critical short term memories as well. In fact, the excessive sugar content and hydrogenated fats from junk foods are known to disrupt insulin levels in the brain and displace essential omega-3 fats needed to construct and maintain cell structure and assist electrical and chemical messaging. A research team from the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease has published the result of a study in the British Journal of Nutrition that shows how fish oils could minimize the effects that junk food have on the brain. Over the past decade, researchers have demonstrated that high-fat and high-sugar diets could disrupt neurogenesis, a process that generates new nerve cells. Diets rich in omega-3 fats help prevent these negative effects by stimulating an area of the brain that controls feeding, learning and memory. Consuming fish or fish oil supplements supports normal hormone release after a junk food meal In the largest study to date, scientists accumulated data from 185 studies showing that omega.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Massive Open Online Courses - 1349 Words

MOOC is an acronym for â€Å"massive open online course†; these MOOCs have had a far-reaching influence on the way education is perceived today. For the moment, MOOCs are almost always free, as students pay no fees to register or take the course. Enrollment is high, ranging anywhere from thousands to hundreds of thousands. While enrollment, and perceived interests may be high, course completion rates are extremely low; frequently, no more than five or ten percent of students who register go on to finish the course. 1 The mission of MOOCs is to increase access to higher education globally, reduce costs and reinvigorate teaching and learning. 2 MOOCs have spread like a wildfire; the number of students taking at least one online class is now†¦show more content†¦5 The missionaries did not see education as an end, but as an aid to the spreading of the gospel. Every schoolchild was expected to become a convert to Christianity, but many parents were opposed. 5 The missionar ies’ prerogative in setting up the Western educational system was purely religious; it will be seen that ulterior motives play a major theme in the education of the child. In the Philippines, as a result of western colonization, indigenous peoples have developed an ideal type of human development in which Western education is core and is identifiable with progress or civilization. 16 They thus perceive indigenous knowledge as obsolete or inferior. Formal education, as promoted by the state, has contributed to the marginalization of indigenous knowledge. 16 Currently in Africa, educational programs typically adopt traditional Western models of education, with an emphasis on math, science, language, and social studies. 11 These programs allocate scarce resources to topics like Greek mythology, prime numbers, or tectonic plate movement—topics that may provide intellectual stimulation, but have little relevance in the lives of impoverished children. 11 While many scholars hold that indigenous education and knowledge has a transformative power that can be used to foster empowerment and justice7, westerners assume that their type of system is best, in every corner of the world. Online higher education is a western education withoutShow MoreRelatedMassive Open Online Courses1029 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction Massive open online courses (MOOCs) is a platform or model where learning or any other content is made available online to any one who is interested to learn or acquire information without having to be physically present in a learning set up.A good number of people have written articles and some have given talks on MOOCs;Among the Contributors include Aaron Barlow, Sià ¢n Bayne, Nick Carbone, Kaitlin Clinnin, Denise K. Comer, Glenna L. Decker, Susan Delagrange, Scott Lloyd DeWittRead MoreMassive Open Online Courses2277 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction to MOOCs Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, have recently come into the public eye as a topic of interest. Whether as an alternative to traditional education, a way to enhance skills in the work-place, or as a way to make education freely available to everyone, many teachers, institutions and students are currently participating in MOOCs. However, as with any new technology, MOOCs are not yet fully understood, in terms of their impact, quality, and effectiveness. In this vein, theRead MoreMassive Open Online Courses1020 Words   |  4 PagesMassive open online courses (MOOC) were introduced in 2008 by Dave Cormier. The original aim of MOOCs was to open up education and offer free access to University education for as many students as possible. They are generating a considerable attention and high interest from higher education institutions. They are viewed as an extension to current online approaches in terms of access (Hoxby, C 2014). The focus of MOOCs is to provide free, cutting edge education that reduces the cost of UniversityRead MoreMassive Open Online Courses957 Words   |  4 PagesMassive Open Online Courses, shorthanded as MOOCs, are courses that offer the opportunity for students and learners everywhere the chance to take part in an online classroom that often are composed of video lectures, and online assessments. There are no restrictions on who can join the courses providing an incredible accessibility to learning for people all over the world. However, as is common with many central issues, there are a large range of opinions for and against MOOCs. Audrey Watters, aRead MoreMassive Open Online Courses (MOOC)512 Words   |  2 Pagesstudents, taking part in a class at such an elite institution. I choose this course to prepare myself for a course I’ll take when enrolled in Rutgers next semester. This course was one of UCLA distant learning courses (MOOC) offered to adults no prerequisites or experience required. Massive Open Online Course s, MOOC for short are online courses offered by some colleges and Universities mostly tuition free. All MOOC courses are via the internet, but some have a chat room component giving studentsRead MoreWhat Is The Massive Open Online Course?1576 Words   |  7 Pagesdevelopments in the education space within the last several years, with regard to leveraging online spaces, is the advent of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). GXM proposes to conduct a pilot MOOC focused on Technology Transfer with one of the Nation’s leading MOOC providers, HarvardX. Harvard will partner with Hyperion Technologies to draw technology from Federal Labs and share it with thousands of online participants in the MOOC to determine alternative avenues for collaboration and transitioningRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography: Current Trends in Technology Based Learning1210 Words   |  5 Pages app learning, open content, massive open online courses (MOOCs), virtual education, video conferencing, Web 2.0, district based e-learning, personal learning environments, blended learning, proctored exams, bundled platforms, cloud computing, object-oriented content, interactive whiteboards, documents cameras, wireless labs, and bring your own device. The first article Massive Open Online Courses: Should Educators Worry? by Gita Bajaj concentrates on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and theirRead MoreFriedman Vs Head On The Effectiveness1193 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Friedman vs. Head on the Effectiveness of Online Writing *** ----- ----- The Effectiveness of Online Writing Courses (MOOCs) Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are one of the revolutionary trends in education across the world. Many controversies surround it with some education stakeholders viewing it as very costly but of little value. In addition, other critics consider it a cheaper model of teaching especially in higher education (Vimeo, 2014). Cheaper in the sense manyRead MoreMOOCS and the Future of Education Essay502 Words   |  3 Pagesin everyone’s hands, and even wireless internet in business we go to everyday. It doesn’t seem too farfetched now, just like online courses for college students who wish to attend without leaving the comfort of their own home for the price of internet and perhaps a book. As crazy as it sounds, it is completely true and it is becoming a huge hit. Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCS, are a popular up and coming platform in the education community. Various think tanks and academic institutions call MOOCSRead Morefggfg1486 Words   |  6 PagesEDITORIAL Learning about learning and teaching online The Babson Survey Research Group, in partnership with the United States College Board, has just released their tenth annual report on the state of online learning in United States (US) higher education (Allen Seaman, 2013). The report titled, Changing Course: Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States, is part of a series of reports on online learning known as the Sloan Online Survey (see http://www.onlinelearningsurvey